Friday, July 16, 2010

One time assignment

I had this dream last night. Unlike most other dreams, I actually remember this one (or at least most of it).

I am working for a Professor whom I have never met before, even in the dream! Yeah, I know, but I work for him still. I am going to his office to fill out my time sheet. Here's where the fun starts. I am wearing only a towel, as though I just got out of the shower. He is also wearing only a towel (in his office, which has a shower attached). But, he is clearly more modest than I am and slips on a polo shirt. Then I realize he resembles someone I went to college with, a lot. That someone does not have a brother, so I ask him if he has a cousin named X. He says, yes, and how do I know him? I tell him that we went to college together and could he please refrain from mentioning that I turned up in a towel to meet him? Please? After all, I just thought I was going to fill out the time sheet and leave immediately, so what was the need to dress up anyway? And, most annoyingly, he says, yeah, that was not a good thing you did. Hmmmph. I am that unattractive? Damn. End of dream.

1. I do work for an Assistant Professor, though the real one is a Turkish man, not the one in the dream. And, no, I do NOT fancy him. Or, X, for that matter.
2. One never has to fill out the sheet in the Professor's office.
3. No professor's office has a shower attached.
4. My towel kept slipping A.L.L. the time.

Wannabe Freudians? Anyone? Want to take a shot at interpreting this?


DI said...

Oh, naked (semi or not) embarassing dreams, you'll find more than your needed share of interpretations to this!

The subconscious does tend to bring up the weirdest of people in the limelight! Do an analysis, there might be something useful the dream's trying to tell ya ;)

RDX said...

OK - I did and the result was scarily true.

Life Unordinary said...

You're fortunate you actually remember your dreams!

RDX said...

Naah - this was an unusual event :)

Yellow said...

Whoa, that's interesting! Too bad no-one's tried interpreting it so far - would love to see what it meant

RDX said...

I googled and got an interpretation, Yellow.