Now that I have drawn your attention by this earth shattering title, let me go on to reassure you that it is worse than it sounds.
I have noticed that people usually start any speech they give on a campus with, "This is a great day to be on campus." Yesterday was no exception. I usually don't give it more attention than a mere shake of the head (not in the affirmative sense). But, this time, my reaction was like, really? What is great about this day, for God's sake? I don't feel great. I am apprehensive about walking out of the academic cocoon into the real world (for the second time). I know the real world is not as tolerant of my inadequacies, as indulgent of my experiments, as appreciative of my meager accomplishments. Even my own role is not as defined as it was in school. So tell me, what is great about this day?
In spite of my apprehensions, it is difficult not to be influenced by the excitement floating around. It is not unlike the excitement you feel when you walk into a theme park or watch a match (any sport, for that matter) in the stadium. You can just feel the energy in the air. You cannot help but let go of your reluctance, participate in the goings-on, get pulled into innumerable pictures...
I am the extremely sentimental type. If you are comparing me to the average cave man. However, when the dean mentioned during the acknowledgments that we should applaud our families for the sacrifices they made during the last two years so that we could get our degree, I thought of my parents sitting thousands of miles away and... felt a little choked. I may or may not have dabbed at my eyes for a brief second.
The day itself was an epitome of operational efficiency. The last few weeks have a little bit of a blur, so I did not think too much about what I was going to wear (under my graduation robes) for the Dean's reception party. As G-day got really close and I didn't think I could go shopping, I decided on a simple black skirt and a blouse. But, the day before G-day, I couldn't help wishing I had a nice dress to wear. So, I decided I would look for a dress, the day of. I know, I know, recipe for frustration, insanity and the like.
G-day dawned. Not that I was up at the crack of dawn.
9:30a - I have overslept. But, I am determined not to give up on my brilliant plan.
10:05a - I catch the bus.
10:12a - I am at Target.
10:30a - I have tried on 4 dresses, one of which fits and I am as usual thinking if I should take the next larger size instead.
10:37a - Try both sizes, again. Contemplate.
10:42a - Heck, I am choosing the smaller one.
10:48a - Am on pins and needles. There is a bus at 10:55a and the next one is at 11:35a (frequency sucks on the weekends). There is a line at the checkout counter (leisurely Saturday shoppers w/ families). Thankfully, the family just ahead of me are shopping for a party they are attending (probably graduation) and have purchased just a few gift cards. Sigh of relief.
10:50a - I am out of there.
10:58a - Bus is late by three minutes. What ever happened to punctuality and efficiency, I say.
So, here goes.. the fruit of all my meticulous, mission-critical planning..
Oh, before I forget, I also cooked, ate, got ready and reached on time at 2:10p for the photos and line-up, all of which is, of course, not worthy of more than one sentence. Favorable comments on my efficiency are highly appreciated and most welcome. Suggestions of a gym subscription as a graduation gift, not so much. (I am willing to share the limelight though, if you have stories of your own efficiency).
And thus ends my G-day saga.
Congratulations. I love the dress!
thank you :)
Congrats. What is great about Graduation Day? Short term: holidays, Long term: hopefully a decent income (it took me a while, hence the long term prospective).
Thanks. But, till that long term thing happens, it is kind of hard to focus on the short term positive.
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